Kids & Kindness

12/18 – As a teacher, I can comfortably say that I do Random Acts of Kindness for my students without even realizing it.  However, my challenge is to do a conscious effort every day, so I decided to dedicate this day’s act to my fourth-graders.  Recess is usually time for me to get a brain break and have some adult conversation with my teammates.  Today, however, I played catch with my students.  The joy on their faces that their teacher was playing with them made it a great day for all of us!

12/19 – I privately tutor three different children for some side money.  After all, teaching is rewarding in every way except in the bank account.  One of the mothers that pays me is also a co-worker.  When she went to pay me for her daughter’s session, I told her to consider it a freebie.  Have I mentioned that it is so cool seeing the joy and gratefulness on someone’s face after an act of kindness? It truly is amazing how something small for me is huge for someone else.

12/20 – Today I had my students help out on a Random Act of Kindness.  I told them to try to do little ones for their classmates throughout the day, and that was going well.  However, it was time for something bigger.  We heard that the Sandy Hook survivors were moving into a new building, and that people were coming together to create snowflakes to hang in their new school.  Our class loved making snowflakes and sending them out as a sign of our love and support.

12/21 – On this night, I was driving to Tampa with my husband to see family.  The holiday traffic was insane, and it was bringing me down hearing everyone blasting on their horns and other such traffic stresses.  I decided I would let every car out of every parking lot/shopping center/lane change.  It was driving my husband a little batty, but it was worth it to get those little thank-you waves.  Hopefully it made those people drive with care, too!

12/22 – Have you ever gone into a casual food joint and seen the tip jar?  I have never put any money in there, not once.  However, I looked around and saw all these college kids working hard to pay through another day.  It didn’t break my bank to tip them, but I hope it helped theirs!

What Random Acts of Kindness have you done lately? Share them in the comments and give me inspiration!  Coming up in the next post: holiday acts! See you then.

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